(509) 455-7100

Are You Using The Right Tools For The Job?

Many are familiar with the adage “when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” Construed another way to advance the theme of this article, a person with only a hammer is likely to try and fix everything using the hammer, without considering other...

‘To Arbitrate Or Not To Arbitrate’: That Is The Question

Arbitration of construction disputes has been around for a long time.  It was a preferred method to resolve disputes when I first started practicing law in 1994.  It was in every construction contract and subcontract. But before you continue including arbitration as...

The Not-So-Strict Strict Compliance Rule

Owners seeking to deny contractor claims on Washington construction projects often rely on the  so-called “strict compliance rule,” which they assert is a broad principal of construction law barring recovery of claims unless a party strictly complies with contractual...

2018 DOSH Stute Directive—What It Means For Contractors

On August 31, 2018, the Department of Labor & Industries, Division of Occupational Safety and Health (“DOSH”), issued an updated Directive to clarify enforcement guidelines regarding Stute citations for upper-tier contractors.  Contractors need to be aware of the...